1. Inspiration: painting vision of our mission
• Proverbs 31: 8-10
“Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.”
Proverbs 31:8-9
2. Philosophy: parable of Good Samaritan
3. Team shirts
- Unity
- To identify us from other groups
- Fashion statement 😉
- 4. Team positions
- Priorities (No Matter Number of Members)
- Clumping
- Staying Focused On Task whether Calling Out, or stopping cars, Eyes always onyour focus,
- Calling out to every mom, every time you see her
- Avoiding Chit Chat
- Do not abandon your post trying to get to most action
- 5. Calendar use and reason
- We rely on it to keep track of gaps
- Cannot rely on it unless 100% people using accurately.
- Name on or off as soon as you know
- Telling team lead is NOT enough. Do calendar yourself
- 6. Handing out literature
- Smile
- Always speak as well as gestures: “we have hope and help for you, please stop.” avoid questions like , “Can i give you this?”
- Bold confidence you have the absolute most important thing they need
- Demonstrate
- How to hold hand waving and stop signal
- How to hold literature in other hand
- Value of fanny pack
- Use the full time you have effectively as soon as you see car or person
7. What to say at driveway
- as they go in: we have hope and help for you, please take our freeinformation, your child is precious in the sight of God, please let us help you,free ultrasound
- as they come out:
- Always ask did you change your mind?
- Did you take the pill? (if yes, tell about APR)
- If surgical, offer to pray with them
8. Calling out- three talking points
- God, resources, humanity of baby
- No matter how long you have get all 3
- 15 second example
- Paint positive vision
- Truthful completely
- Name calling rarely helpful
- Compassionate, bold, kind but truthful
9. What NOT to say
- Forgiveness message to active abortion determined fuels abortion
- love of God if not balanced by justice and His wrath can fuel abortion
- adoption
10. What TO say to each group
- moms: 3 talking points
- Dads: be man God created you to be
- Friends: you can influence her and offer our help
- Abortion workers: abortionworker.com
- Sheet with 4 pages of what to say
- Do not stop speaking till they are out of sight
11. Mic use or amplified sound
- Know the city rules regarding amplified sound
- must have completed 101 and served 2 months before going on mic(team lead has some discretion),
- speak in 5-10 minute segments TOPS then take breather to let them process,
- watching other teammates to know when to speak and when to be quiet
- Prepared with bible verses and thoughts. Write them down if needed
- Stay simple. Long complex thoughts do not work for people in crisis
- Calm, confident, kind
12. Dealing with police
- when to call (threats of physical violence, actual violence, gun seen or other weapon)
- what to do if cops called on you vs you calling them
- Respect Them
- Police inclined to use the path of least resistance, sometimes you must insist charges filed or report at very least.
13. Ignore Security and Pro Abortion People 99% of the Time
- When should we ignore: Almost always ignore them. It is a powder keg there. Do not add fuel to the fire, be careful to not be justifying your anger.
- If engaging with them, you are being distracted from primary mission When should we not ignore: better to offer to see them for coffee later or something outside of ministry time. If shouting match, stop instantly. BUT, be sensitive to Holy Spirit
14. Dealing with Other Pro-Life Groups
- Respect and acknowledge their service
- Any rebuke, do privately
- Anyone can be on sidewalk
- Team shirts important to identify us as different
- May need to physically be in different spot if the other group has message wehate
- God knows about them. He COULD remove them
15. Extended one on one
- ask questions
- Use clues
- ALL three talking points but expand
- get lit in hand of mom
- offer ultrasound
- introduce God early
16. How to deescalate anger
- Posture of hands up, not aggressive
- Say “we are just trying to help”
- Video with camera
- Shut up if they tell you to
17. Sharing the Gospel
- Must share full gospel, “Jesus loves you” is not the gospel
- Bad news first: the law, we have transgressed God’s laws
- They are sinners
- Personalize the sin…not just general “All have sinned”
- Penalty for sin
- We must pay that penalty or no justice
- Ray comfort use of courtroom scene very effectively
- Focus on Jesus is Lord aspect as this is so often misunderstood. What does Lordship mean?
- Romans 10:9
- No repeat after me “sinners prayer”. Should be from their heart and theirwords to the Lord.
- Extend invitation only if they seem to truly understand after you haveexplained the cost of following Jesus as Lord.
- Do not gloss over sexual immorality sin
18. Signing up for a mentor
- Use online form
- Read through mentor mentee agreement
- Always link resources with mentor
- Try to share gospel before signing up for mentor
- Always state that no matter what they believe about God, we will help them
- Our help is not contingent on faith or attending church
- Be familiar with form
- Email mentor director to be sure they got the form
- Stay in touch with the mom until mentor appointed
- Consider email bcc list of moms where you send encouraging daily scripture
19. Out of state resources
- Courtney Parks has developed an ongoing document of out of state help
- HerPlan.org- resources from all over the nation.
20. Using team mates to help
- Finding Resources while You are Counseling
- Make calls to PRC or whatever while you continue counseling
- Teammates always should keep an eye on the one counseling to see if they arecalled in or needed to help
21. Counting Cars
- Helps in talking to pastors to have statistics
- We keep track of license plates and use clicker to count accurately. We do thisso we know if a car has left that we think is a save, we can watch to see if that car returns. We do not use the licenses for any other purpose (unless we suspect sex Traficking.)
- We post numbers coming for abortion in a group private FB page
22. Group Communication
- Need some form of group team building communication
- We use private FB group and post daily reports
- We list number of abortions, number of saves, abortionist, highlights, lows,and pertinent training or tips for members to know, photos
- We assign team leads to each day
- Team leads post the daily reports and supervise team
- Monthly zoom meeting with all team leads
23. Counting Saves
- Can be very encouraging to know there are saves but always remember thevictory is in showing up in obedience to God. The results are up to Him.
- Categories: Confirmed, probable, possible
- Always aspect of uncertainty or subjective, even if confirmed
- Criteria if not confirmed but strong probability:
- Two witnesses concur
- Evident conflict in mom
- She has told us she is there to abort
- Mom listening to us
- They say they believe in God,
- prayed for a sign
- Take our literature
- Sit in car a long time
- Inandoutalot
- From out of state and so likely they know they are pregnant aspreg test cheaper than traveling to abortion center to find out ifpregnant
- Sit in car a long time
- Leave before abortionist
- Acknowledge us in positive way as they leave
- Many of these criteria necessary for us to count as probable
- Distracted teams make gathering the above clues very difficult. Teams need to be focused at all times.
- Don’t let this be a source of conflict. If one team feels strongly they will only count if verbally confirmed, so be it. Do not let Satan use this as a wedge.
24. Ongoing Training
- Podcast, gospelcenteredprolife.com
- sidewalks4life.com
- national zoom first Saturday of each month when finish 103.
- Encourage EVERYONE to complete 102 and 103.
- National Telegram LL Sidewalk Tips and Encouragment Group
- Sidewalk Outreach Field Guide