Recently, we had a very terrible thing happen to one of our Sidewalk Outreach volunteers. She was offering hope and help to women at the Abortion center, tirelessly calling out to the women. A woman leaving the abortion center stopped her car for this volunteer, rolled down her window, and asked for our literature. The volunteer approached the window and handed her the literature. The smiling woman took it and then hauled off and slapped the volunteer in the face as hard as she could.

The woman then sped away. All that our camera captured was a blurred photo of the license plate. We called the police, but without a clear license plate number, they could not find the woman.

Our Team Leader was devastated and felt like she had personally failed in protecting her team. She called me in tears. I assured her she could not take responsibility for this. There was nothing she could have done to prevent the assault. The team lead told me that this volunteer was still calling out and ministering to the women in the abortion center right after the attack. The team lead had asked her to sit down and rest, even go home, but the volunteer refused. The team lead asked me if she should insist on her at least taking a break?

I told the team lead that I did not think that was what she should do. I recommended being sure that our volunteer was showing no signs of any kind of head trauma or injury. Otherwise, let her continue. “I think she is kicking Satan in the teeth,” I said, “And I think you need to let her do that. I think she needs to do that.”

Another volunteer recently asked me how we fight spiritual warfare on the sidewalk when the attack is literally unfolding against us or against our teammates. While we have done many podcasts on spiritual warfare, this one is more practical regarding what we can do when we are under attack in the moment.


One of my favorite verses addressing this topic is: Resist the devil and he will flee from you. James 4:7

What does resistance look like when you are in the midst of an attack?

In the case of this volunteer, resistance looks like continuing to minister in the face of whatever the adversity is. There will certainly be times, especially in case of true injury, where we will need to stop or pause in our work. However, I think an important principle to remember is this: if it is possible, soldier on through the adversity and keep ministering. If Satan knows he can stop us by some means, I believe he will continue to use that tactic. 

As Jesus was discussing His impending torture and death, Peter tried to prevent Jesus from completing His mission. Peter was overwhelmed by the unjust attack that would be mounted against his beloved Jesus. But Jesus strongly rebuked him. 

He turned and said to Peter, “Get behind Me, Satan! You are an offense to Me, for you are not mindful of the things of God, but the things of men.” Matthew 

Jesus was saying that despite the persecution, despite the attack, He must carry out God’s purpose. That would only happen through this unjust suffering.

Persecution and Kingdom Advancement

Think of what caused the exponential growth of the early church. It was persecution of God’s people! 

“As for Saul, he made havoc of the church, entering every house, and dragging off men and women, committing them to prison. Therefore those who were scattered went everywhere preaching the word. Then Philip went down to the city of Samaria and preached Christ to them. And the multitudes with one accord heeded the things spoken by Philip, hearing and seeing the miracles which he did. For unclean spirits, crying with a loud voice, came out of many who were possessed; and many who were paralyzed and lame were healed. And there was great joy in that city.” Acts 

Repeatedly, it is through suffering, and persecution that God’s kingdom is advanced. None of us enjoy persecution, but it is undeniably a part of the Christian Walk.

That does not mean that we should purposefully incite suffering or persecution. But if we are faithful Christ followers, we know it is going to come. We should not be blindsided by it, and if it all possible, we should not be stopped by it.

Practical Responses to Attack

The recent situation with our volunteer is a good example of practical intervention in the midst of attack. There were many things that the team did immediately. 

  • They called the police. 
  • They checked our cameras to see if we had captured it on video. 
  • They assessed the condition of the volunteer who was assaulted, and they monitored how she was doing. 
  • They put out an immediate request for prayer. 
  • They prayed themselves.
  • They contacted Love Life leadership and told them what had happened.  
  • The volunteer was urged to fill out an incident report.
  • Love Life leadership immediately contacted people in our social media department who could not only put out the prayer request, but who could post in social media in such a way that our volunteer received massive loving support and encouragement. She felt fully supported and loved by the Love Life family and friends.
  • They allowed her to continue to kick Satan in the teeth, and as a result of her perseverance, a baby was saved that day.

There are times when the attack is so severe that we have little choice but to pause in our ability to serve at the sidewalk. If possible, make that pause short. It is easy to sit home with a spirit of fear. The longer we are away from what God is calling us to do, the more intense that spirit of fear can grow. Nonetheless, it is also important to take time to process and be surrounded by Godly people to help us through those hard times. Jesus, when attacked by Satan, went directly to the Word of God and so should we.

Defuse Anger

Other practical advice is what to do to prevent violence from happening or attacks in other forms. We should be careful to avoid language that we know is going to trigger or incite anger. We should always speak the truth, but we should speak the truth graciously and compassionately. This will not always stop the attack, but we should in no way be responsible for egging on an attack. My strong suggestion is that we do not interact with the pro-Abortion volunteers at all. If we see tension or anger escalating, we should do everything in our power to diffuse that anger. Comments, such as “Ma’am, I’m not your enemy, I’m only here to help,” with our hands held up in a submissive surrender posture can often diffuse tension.

Call Police

If there is any kind of assault, it is critical to call the police. Gather as much witness information, video information, and details that you will need to be able to press charges. Always press charges when there is assault. Following an assault, when you are back home, it is important to fill out the Love Life incident report if you are a Love Life Volunteer.

Know the Intensity for Potential Attack and Mitigate If Possible

The statements coming from the abortion center employees when the abortion-minded women call them, as well as what the pro-Abortion crowd says while ushering women into the Abortion center are not helpful. What they are saying about us incites anger and potential violence. We know they tell the women not to talk to us, that we are protesters, that we are seeking to force them to choose life, that we lie, are fanatics, and that we are mean. I have heard many lies about us from that group outside the Abortion center. They laughed when our volunteer was assaulted.

After the incident, I wrote a letter to our attorney asking if anything could be done in terms of a letter to the abortion center warning them about what their supporters and people that are volunteering with them or working with them are saying about us that is not true. I am hopeful that could mitigate future attacks against us.

Count the Cost

“And whoever does not bear his cross and come after Me cannot be My disciple. For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost, whether he has enough to finish it— lest, after he has laid the foundation, and is not able to finish, all who see it begin to mock him, saying, ‘This man began to build and was not able to finish’?… So likewise, whoever of you does not forsake all that he has cannot be My disciple.” Luke 14:27-30, 33

Finally, I think it is important to count the cost. There will be a cost of serving in such a volatile place and climate. Abortion is Satan’s pride and joy. We will be opposed, spiritually and tangibly. 

One volunteer wept as she asked me if it was the spiritual attack against her work on the Abortion center sidewalk that caused her unborn grandson to die in the womb. She asked me if she had not been serving on the sidewalk, would her grandson still be alive?

I cannot answer that. 

I do know that I cannot let the potential of spiritual attack prevent me from doing what God would have me do. I know that if I am in prayer, surrounded by prayer support, in church, in the Word, and faithfully, obediently abiding in the Lord, I can trust that God is good and whatever happens is for His glory. While I understood that grandmother’s angst, I think that train of thought would keep most of us from doing the hard things God calls us to do. We have an evil enemy who is powerful and shrewd. However, we also have a Savior who is greater, more powerful, and absolutely trustworthy and good. I think that is where our minds need to dwell. 

“You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.” I John 4:4

Vicky Kaseorg

Vicky Kaseorg

Vicky Kaseorg is a missionary with Love Life. An author of over 25 books, she is ardently pro-life and deeply desires to share the hope and truth of the Lord Jesus Christ through her work, writing, and life. Read her personal blog at


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