As sidewalk counselors we understand that what we are dealing with is a life and death issue because abortion destroys the innocent life of a baby. Because of that we know that we would perfectly justified and even Biblically justified in reaching out in front of the abortion center even if we had nothing to offer in place of abortion. However, thankfully the Lord has raised up countless ministries and organizations all over this nation so that we can offer practical help and alternatives to those going into the local abortion centers. Our prayer is that this article will help equip and encourage you to find practical resources in your area that you can offer to those going into your local abortion centers.
Over the time we have been ministering on the sidewalk of abortion centers, five top obstacles are apparent as the rationale for abortions. Those include: financial concerns regarding how to provide for child, childcare costs, housing concerns especially in cases where boyfriend is coercing abortion and threatening to kick the woman out if she doesn’t comply, feeling all alone and abandoned by boyfriend and/or family members, and concerns over job/school and how to manage with a new baby.
There are of course a variety of reasons why women come to abortion centers, but these issues emerge most frequently. Thus, we have tried to tailor our search for resources to these top needs. Our strong preference is to find Christian resources as we believe a heart inclined to abortion will only truly change with the life-changing submission to Jesus as Lord. However, we do use secular resources as well when there are no specific Christian alternatives.
Upon beginning a sidewalk ministry, the first and easiest way to begin to develop a resource list is to do a google search on resources already available in the community. Sometimes the abortion-minded women are familiar with those resources, but oftentimes are not.
Search criteria: maternity housing, emergency housing, local shelters, local food pantries, local reduced cost childcare facilities, local Pregnancy Resource Centers, local low cost medical facilities, local low cost/free counseling services, local drug addiction rehab centers, Domestic abuse hotline and local shelters. A substantial resource list can be generated from these searches alone.
From this starting point, the sidewalk counselor can confidently assure the woman that there is tangible help for the obstacles she faces. While it may not yet be a comprehensive list, it will be enough to begin ministering on the sidewalk. Of course, the truth of the sanctity of life and the hope of the Gospel is enough to begin ministering, but having resources at your fingertips can make your pleas more compelling to a desperate woman.
Next, begin to canvas area churches for people interested in helping meet needs. Because childcare is such an enormous issue, we assigned one of our volunteers with the task of calling churches who already had childcare programs. We asked if they would provide one free scholarship to moms who chose life. We quickly found two churches willing to do so.
We assigned another volunteer with the task of helping moms who chose life to write their resume, and then to help them find jobs. This has helped many moms move to financial independence. Another volunteer compiled a list of work from home jobs. By contacting churches, we were able to find Christian counselors willing to meet with the moms and families for free or on a sliding scale based on income.
We partner with a local ministry, Love Life Charlotte, which is a coalition of churches dedicated to providing mentors to the moms who choose life. Those mentors have the backing of churches pledged to try to meet the most dire needs of the moms. One thing the churches have been successful in offering is baby showers, with the whole church becoming involved, and providing the first full two years of things the baby will need. This was modeled after Sheryl Chandler’s incredible Truth and Mercy Ministries.
You may not have some of these resources in your area, but you can approach a church and ask if they would be willing to provide mentors to disciple and befriend these women. You can ask if they would provide baby showers.
Whenever I counsel a mom who chooses life, I ask her to list the obstacles that brought her to the abortion center. If we don’t already have a resource that can help her, we assign volunteers to research and see if they can find any existing resource or find someone to develop that resource. In this way, we can confidently tell women that whatever situation they face, we are able to help them.
Note, we cannot solve all their problems, nor should we. We will not take on their personal responsibility or provide for their future. However, we are confident we can help them through a crisis and set them on a better path with a mighty God who enables us in all He calls us to do.
KEY to this confidence we have is sharing the Gospel with the abortion minded families. Christ transforms entire world views and lives. We always share a sexual purity message in conjunction with the Gospel. The vast majority of abortions occur in single women.
We can do ALL things through Christ who strengthen us. All things. This includes being equipped to deal with all the issues that we face in providing tangible help to abortion-minded women.
1 Comment
Follow-Up After She Chooses Life (7 Steps) • Sidewalks4Life · September 12, 2019 at 7:51 pm
[…] to help. It is always wise to have a ready resource guide. We discuss how to develop one in an earlier post. Always provide a contact and phone number to each resource. If she is completely overwhelmed, I do […]