This website was created by Cities4Life™️ to help empower, encourage, and equip Christians all over the country and the world to bring the hope of the Gospel to their local abortion center. Since 2008 Cities4Life has seen over 5,000 babies saved at local abortion centers in our chapters and we believe the experience and wisdom the Lord has graciously given us will be a blessing in helping you get involved in bringing the Gospel to the darkest places in your city.


Because abortion is primarily a Gospel issue, this holocaust will only come to an end when gentle Christians begin to actively live out their faith at local abortion centers in their own cities. Sidewalks4Life (S4L) exists to help encourage and equip local churches and Christians to proclaim the Gospel and plead for LIFE for the unborn babies at their local abortion centers.


Seeing abortions first-hand on the sidewalks in front of the local abortion center is the lens through which we should view this issue that is so close to God’s heart. This is accomplished by preparing and equipping individuals, families and churches willing to minister in this much-neglected mission field. Once you have experienced sidewalk counseling ministry, your perspective on abortion will never be the same.