The Bible tells us that without vision, the people perish. The Bible also tells us that we are made in his image, and we are God’s masterpiece. These are encouraging, empowering verses. As I was pondering how to become the person I want to be, I considered these truths. As often happens, my thoughts meandered to how I could best use these truths in ministering in front of the abortion center.

I am listening regularly now to a leadership podcast. Recently, the message of one of them was how to become the person I want to be. The speaker suggested to first be intentional by speaking the vision, or the goal, of who you want to be.

While the podcast is about becoming a better leader, I began thinking of the suggestions in terms of how to paint a vision for abortion-minded moms. Frequently, I ask the women if they ever pictured themselves as someone who would come here for an abortion. Many women I work with have told me they never imagined they would be the type of person who would kill their baby. Helping them instead to paint a positive vision can be an effective strategy.

Casting a Positive Vision

If time is limited, this could be transmitted by simply calling out to the women, “Is this the person you want to be?” If time permits, though, a better first step would be to cast a positive vision. Some examples include: 

  • “You are made in God’s image. How can you most clearly reflect God in your actions today?”
  • “What would He have you do to your unborn child?”
  • “You are God’s masterpiece. What kind of a mother has God painted you to become?”

For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God has prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them (Ephesians 2:10). 

The word “workmanship” means masterpiece. God’s greatest masterpiece of creation is each of us. We are God’s greatest masterpieces.

There are many statements you could make to paint the positive vision of who God designed a mother to be. The vision should be positive, encouraging and achievable.

Key Elements in Painting the Vision

In front of an abortion center, it is easy to paint a positive and encouraging picture of motherhood. What might be more difficult in that setting is painting the vision as achievable. The key elements that must be mentioned in painting a picture that is achievable to these mothers include: 

  1. Encouraging them (speaking courage into them that they can do this)
  2. Resources
  3. Small steps she could take towards that vision, followed by the immediate next step then the immediate reward

Encouraging Them 

A part of our job with all the people we work with is to encourage them to do what is right and to be what God has designed them to be. The word “encourage” means to fill with courage! They have not only lost hope and vision, but they have often lost courage in the face of their struggles. Fear drives us often to wrong choices. We need to breathe courage into those who feel abortion is a valid choice.


Resources will vary depending on your city and church involvement. It is important to know what those resources are. Offering immediate help is often what women express as what helped change their decision from abortion.

Focus on Small Steps and Their Rewards 

Even with the offer of resources, the enormity of what the woman in an unplanned and unwanted pregnancy faces is overwhelming. We can address that feeling of fear and anxiety over all the future she faces by helping her focus on small steps that will help her be the person she hopes to be before God.

For example, after painting the vision of the woman as the mother God designed her to be, we could tell her, “Please let us set up a free ultrasound so you can look at your baby.” That is the immediate next step. The immediate reward could be stated as this: “Once you have all the information, then you can make an informed decision.”

Other immediate steps might be: 

  • “Leave this place to give yourself time just to consider what we have said.”
  • “Just come to us and take our free information. Information never hurts.” 
  • “Come talk to a mother on the phone who was at this very place a year ago and would love to speak with you.”

Hopefully, this strategy would give you more time to speak one on one with the woman. If so, now you could expand upon the picture of the mother God designed her to be. You could talk about what her ideal life would look like. You could ask her if she wants to be a woman of integrity and faith and obedience to God. As she answers each positive character quality, you could ask her if abortion or saving the baby’s life would help her achieve that positive vision.

Show the Consequence of Rejecting that Vision

I always prefer starting with the positive carrot of changing behavior. But if that fails, I think it is important to show the consequence of rejecting the vision that God and the woman herself has of who she should be. Statements reflecting the likelihood of return abortions, the aftermath of abortion physically mentally and spiritually, and the regret of killing an innocent human being might all be useful. The biblical warnings of dire consequence to those who rebel against God are also convicting. Those sorts of statements could be bumped up against the flip side which was the positive vision you hopefully already helped her picture.

Remember the biblical truth that we are not to despise the day of small things. Help her to develop small steps that will lead to overcoming her obstacles and making better life choices.

Real-Life Example

Recently, a woman stopped for me and told me she had to do the abortion. Due to language restrictions, it was hard for me to discern why, but it seemed mostly to center on the fact that she had other children and was overwhelmed. Her English was broken but she did understand most of what I said.

I offered resources (the baby shower) which made her trust me enough to pause and hear what else I had to say. I then began talking about how God created her in God’s image. She smiled. I told her He also created the baby in God’s image. Her smile wavered, as she knew where I was going with that! I asked her if she had other children. She did. I asked her if she loved them and was a good mother. She nodded. I told her she could be the same good loving mother to the little baby in the womb.

Then she opened the pamphlet I had given her and gasped when she saw the abortion victim. I asked if that is what she believed a mother should do to her child. Tears filled her eyes. I reminded her that that is what happened to a child in an abortion.

I told her we could get her a free ultrasound right away (first small step) and if that would be OK with her. She agreed.

That woman chose life and wanted a mentor. I knew the mentor would continue the process of small steps that would hopefully lead to big life changes.


There is no method that will always “work” when dealing with sinful people in a fallen world. We must always rely on God and the prompting of the Holy Spirit; however, time after time I have seen women and men stand a little taller and become more than they thought they could be when helped to see themselves as God created them to become. I know it is true of me. When I first heard a pastor tell me I was God’s masterpiece, I felt a swell of hope. A little of my self-doubt melted away. People perish for lack of vision, but when vision is restored, we see God and ourselves more clearly.

Vicky Kaseorg

Vicky Kaseorg

Vicky Kaseorg is a missionary with Love Life. An author of over 25 books, she is ardently pro-life and deeply desires to share the hope and truth of the Lord Jesus Christ through her work, writing, and life. Read her personal blog at


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