Training Section 4: Using Amplified Sound

Not every city allows for the use for electronically amplified sound, but when it is possible, using amplified sound can be an effective tool in reaching those going into the abortion center.

Use of Electronically Amplified Sound or a PA System

    • Sound Permit
      • Research city ordinances on sound and noise ordinances. You may or may not need one. If you do need one, obtain one for your location.
      • The abortion center might try to obtain permits just to keep you from getting one and using your sound amplification. So, be prepared to obtain one as soon as possible for the dates which you plan to minister.
    • Praise and Worship
      • Oftentimes some will choose to play praise music or sing praise songs in lieu of someone talking on the mic.
    • Who speaks to whom
      • Men should speak to men whenever possible.
      • It’s nice when a man can encourage another man to be the man God called him to be.
      • If talking to a member of the opposite sex, stay in public.
    • Addressing the proabortion Escorts/Staff/Security
      • Recognize fruitful vs. unfruitful conversation.
      • Refrain from on-the-mic conversations and arguments/debates.
      • Don’t allow them to take your focus off of speaking to those going into the abortion center.

Men vs. Women on the Mic – Have a balance!

    • Men
      • Focus more on Gospel preaching.
      • Speak to the husbands and boyfriends.
      • Jesus called sinners to repentance and a changed life!
    • Women
      • Speak more directly to the heart of a mother.
      • Address her baby and the resources available.
      • Jesus showed grace and mercy!

Don’t Forget the Music!

    • Praise and Worship
      • Praise Music to the Sidewalk
      • Gospel Music to those going into the abortion center
    • It’s Okay to Take a Break
      • Silence is powerful! Monotonous mic-speaking can cause the listeners to ignore our message altogether and to tune us out. By taking a break and either using silence or soft worship music, when someone does pick up the mic to speak, it grabs the attention of those in the waiting room or in their cars.
      • A break is a great time to use music!
    • Choose music that:
      • Brings those on the sidewalk into a worshipful state of mind.
      • Speaks the power of Jesus’ name over this place of death.
      • Is always God-honoring and is easily able to be understood, lyric-wise.

Ministering on the Mic

    • Those inside are sometimes able to hear you on the mic!
    • Speak softly.
      • There is no need to yell. The speaker and mic will amplify your voice enough. If you raise your voice, even if trying to further project it, your voice will likely make it seem as if you are yelling.
    • Only one person should address a woman or man entering the abortion center.
      • People going inside can’t differentiate between one voice and another.
      • Wait for another counselor to stop talking, before addressing the person going in.
      • This is a tough technique to master. The mic-speaker must always be watching who is going in and out and whether they or someone on the sidewalk might be better positioned to address that woman or man going inside. Try to remember to be aware and pause if someone from the sidewalk is attempting to or successfully engaging someone in conversation.
      • It’s also good to have others, who might be aware of a sidewalk conversation taking place, to stop the mic-speaker for a moment. Don’t take offense at being stopped. And don’t be discouraged. Just simply realize that this is a way to better utilize the tools and unify our efforts out there.
    • Speak in love, but never shy away from the truth!
      • Use Biblical language!
      • You will encounter fornication, adultery and many other sins when talking to those seeking abortions. Coating the message in God’s love does make a difference, and brings repentance!
    • Starting Lines are great, but ABOVE ALL, let the Holy Spirit speak through you!
      • You never know what people need to hear!
      • Incorporating Scripture into rehearsed counseling responses or scenarios is a great tool to have in your toolbox.
      • Remember to ditch all we have in order to let God take over!
    • Ignore the distractions of “Pro-Choice” bouncers/escorts.
      • This is easier said than done!
      • They are doing this because you are effective. Therefore, they want to purposefully try to distract you. Don’t let them.
      • Tune out what they say to you and keep speaking. Turning your attention to them takes your eyes off of the main reason you are there.

For Starters (opening lines)

    • Humanity/Personhood of the Child
      • Your baby’s heart began to beat at just 18 days after conception!
      • At just 8 weeks every organ is present and fully functioning.
      • Feels a gentle stroke on the cheek, which means that your baby will feel the excruciating pain of the abortion.
      • The only difference between a 2-year-old and an unborn child is food, air, water and time.
    • Motherhood
      • You are already a mother!
      • You are the one holding life and death in your hands; the last line of defense!
      • Three choices (parenting, adoption or abortion…list the results of each)
    • Mention Resources Available
    • Address Scriptural Judging
      • Judging is SCRIPTURAL and commanded by God. Condemnation is what is wrong.
      • Link HERE for Scriptures on this.
    • Safety of Abortion
    • Logic
      • Compare abortion to slavery or the Holocaust
    • God’s Thoughts and True Hope
      • God never creates mistakes; planned before time (Psalm 139:16)
      • God cares about His creations (Matthew 10:29-31)
      • God provided a way of escape from our temptations to sin (1 Corinthians 10:13)
      • Take up your cross and follow Him (Luke 9:23)
      • God is a loving father but also a wrathful judge (Habakkuk 1:13)
      • Digging your pit deeper; take the way of escape before it’s too late! (Psalm 7:15,16)